Open Enrollment is from Nov 1st, 2024 – Jan 15th, 2024
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Is Medicaid Restricting Your Child’s Access to ABA Therapy?

Many families seeking ABA therapy for their children have been met with the same response: “We don’t accept Medicaid.” We have a different answer.

Rise Up For Autism can help!

We assist families in purchasing a private insurance plan and utilize grants to help cover some of the costs.

Open Enrollment is from Nov 1st, 2024 – Jan 15th, 2024.

We are now enrolling ages 2-6 years old.

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    Have you recently lost private insurance through your job or for any reason (e.g., covid, laid off, etc)?
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    Have you recently moved to Illinois within 60-days?
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    Have you recently had a baby or got married within 60-days?
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    We Accept Most Insurance

    Financial Assistance and Payment Plans Available

    • blue cross
    • aetna
    • uni healthcare
    • phcs
    • What We Offer:

      High-Quality ABA Therapy

      Our team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) and Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) provides personalized 1:1 ABA therapy to help your child reach their full potential.
    • Center-Based Learning

      We offer a supportive and structured environment where children learn essential communication, social, and life skills, preparing them for school and beyond.
    • Early Intervention

      We specialize in serving children ages 2-6, when early intervention can have the most significant impact.
    • Family Partnership

      We believe that parents and caregivers are essential partners in their child's development. We provide training and support to ensure continued progress at home.

    Ready to Enroll?

    Let Rise Up For Autism be your partner in empowering your child's journey. We're here to make the process as smooth as possible, no matter your insurance plan.

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      ¿Ha perdido recientemente su seguro privado debido a su trabajo o por algún motivo (por ejemplo, covid, despido, etc.)?
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      ¿Se ha mudado recientemente a Illinois en un plazo de 60 días?
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      ¿Ha tenido un bebé recientemente o se ha casado en 60 días?
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