What You Need To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder - FAQs

What You Need To Know About Autism Spectrum Disorder – FAQs

Common Questions About Autism Spectrum Disorder

Many people want to know more about autism. ASD is a complex disorder, so it can be difficult to understand. This blog post will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about autism. Rise Up 4 Autism is here to provide a center-based ABA and quality therapy services. Contact us today at (630) 300-3400 or fill out this form for inquiries!

1. What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects how a person’s brain develops. People with autism may find it hard to communicate with people, get along with them, and perform basic daily living skills. ASD is called a “spectrum disorder” because it affects all people differently.

2. What Causes ASD?

Growing evidence shows that genetic factors may cause it. Children with ASD can sometimes reach their full potential if they are diagnosed and given therapy as early in life as possible. 

3. What Are The Signs Of ASD?

The child with ASD may exhibit some or all the following characteristics:

  • Social Difficulties

Kids with ASD can have a hard time reading social cues. They may also have trouble understanding feelings and getting along with others, avoiding eye contact and not answering when you call them.

  • Repetitive Behaviors Or Interests

Some children with ASD may spin, rock back and forth, or line up objects in a specific manner. Some people with autism may have extreme interests or fixations in certain characters, movies, hobbies, etc.

  • Sensory Issues

Children with ASD may also have sensitivity to certain sounds, textures, tastes, or smells. They may cover their ears or eyes when they hear or see something they don’t like or may have trouble putting on or taking off clothes (such as clothing with tags).

  • Delays In Speech And Language Skills

People with ASD may have trouble communicating both with words and body language. They might start talking later or say less than other kids their age. They may also have difficulty understanding what people are saying. They may also develop eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions later in life.

  • Differences In Social Skills And Play

Children with ASD may not play games that go back and forth or develop their ideas. It can be challenging for certain autistic people to share or take turns during social scenarios.

parent holding autistic child
Parent Support For Children With Autism

4. How Is ASD Diagnosed?

No basic blood or laboratory test can determine if a person has autism spectrum disorder. Professionals such as psychologists or developmental pediatricians will facilitate assessments (commonly using the ADOS test) and observations of the child completing various tasks.

5. What Are The Treatment Options For Autism Spectrum Disorder?

There is no cure for ASD, but therapy such as Applied Behavior Analysis, also known as ABA, can improve behaviors and functions such as daily living skills. Children can reach their full potential with the help of early intervention. Some children may benefit from medication and other therapies, such as speech-language therapy and occupational therapy. Because every person with ASD is different, it is essential to make a customized treatment plan for your child.

  • Behavioral Therapies

Behavioral therapies, such as ABA, can help your child improve daily living and communication skills, understand how others think and feel, and decrease challenging behaviors. We recommend talking to a doctor as soon as you see any signs of autism in your child.

  • Medications

You can use medication to treat anxiety and depression, two diagnoses that are often present in people with autism. Be sure to talk to your doctor about the best treatment for your child.

  • Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-language therapy can help children with ASD learn to talk to others more effectively. Using picture boards, sign language, or other methods may be helpful for some people with autism.

  • Dietary Therapies

Some children with ASD might do better on a gluten-free or casein-free diet. Gluten, which is in wheat, barley, and rye, and casein, which is in dairy products, may be beneficial if avoided. Before making any dietary changes for your child, consult your pediatrician.

  • Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy may help your child with functional skills such as getting dressed, taking a bath, eating, and many other skills necessary in everyday life. They could also help people be more sensitive to noise or light. If your child needs help, you may consider speaking to a doctor about receiving occupational therapy.

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Facts About Autism You Will Want To Know

6. What Resources Are There For ASD Families?

ASD families may want to utilize Autism support groups. The Autism Society of America can also guide and provide resources for families with ASD.

7. What Is The Prognosis For People With ASD?

No two people with autism are the same. However, with early intervention, many autistic people can eventually live independently and have a career. What’s most important is finding the best treatments for you and your child so that they can succeed!

We hope this article has helped answer some of the questions you may have about autism spectrum disorder. If you still have questions about autism or ABA, don’t hesitate to visit our FAQs page.

At Rise Up 4 Autism, we provide autism therapy services to help children succeed in their daily lives. Contact us at (630) 300-3400 or fill out an inquiry form if you have any questions about our services or want to see our facility. We would love to hear from you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed by professionals based on two skillsets: ‘social-communication’ and ‘restricted, repetitive, and/or sensory behaviors or interests.’ Both of these areas will be addressed in the assessment phase in order to be diagnosed with ASD.

Autistic children are more likely to be born to older parents. Autistic children have a 2 -18% chance of having another autistic child. According to research, if one of two identical twins has autism, the other is likely to be affected up to 95% of the time.

If both parents were in their forties at the time of conception, there is a higher probability of an autism diagnoses for the child.

Autism, like learning disabilities, is a lifelong condition. Autism is also known as a spectrum disorder or autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Although autism is not a learning disability, approximately half of autistic people may have a learning disability.

Physical symptoms associated with autism can include digestive issues such as constipation, along with sleep issues. Children with autism may have poor coordination of the large muscles used for running and climbing, as well as the smaller hand muscles. Seizures affect about one-third of people with autism.

ASD can sometimes be detected in children as young as 18 months. By the age of two, a diagnosis from an experienced professional can be considered reliable. However, many children do not receive a final diagnosis until they are much older. Some people are not diagnosed until they are adolescents or adults.