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21 Facts About Autism You Will Want To Know


What Facts About Autism Must You Know?

People with autism spectrum disorder may have difficulty interacting with others because communication can be difficult for people with autism. There are many myths and misconceptions about ASD, so we want to provide you with 21 facts about autism.

Rise Up 4 Autism provides ABA therapy and can help and assist you and your child with the challenges you face. Read our FAQs if you have any questions, and don’t hesitate to contact us at (630) 300-3400.

Facts About Autism You'll Want To Know

Autism disorder is a behavioral disorder that affects more than 50 million people across the globe. It’s not only one of the most common childhood disorders but also one of the fastest growing. Here are some facts about autism that you need to know:

  • People with autism may need help to learn how to communicate and play with others. ASD can also make it difficult for individuals to observe what others are feeling or thinking.
  • Autism spectrum disorder is not caused by bad parenting, poor diet, or anything else that a parent does or doesn’t do.
  • All people with ASD have different skill levels. Some people with autism have communication challenges or have difficulty learning new things, while others may not.
  • While most children with autism are diagnosed by the age of 3 years old, some people don’t get diagnosed until they are much older.
  • There is no single laboratory test to find out if a child has autism. Doctors facilitate behavioral assessments with the child and family.
  • There is no clear cause for ASD yet. Some people think that vaccines cause autism, but there is no scientific proof of this theory.
  • People with autism can learn behaviors by watching other people model them. It helps to reward the child when modeling is correctly executed to encourage the positive behavior to happen again in the future.
  • Many people with autism excel at visual tasks and have a strong interest in patterns, numbers, and details.
  • Some, but not all, people with autism have exceptional abilities in one or more areas, like music, art, math, or memory. But remember, all people with autism are different!
  • Autistic people may be very sensitive to certain sensory stimuli, like loud noises or bright lights, which can cause great distress. Others may seek out strong sensory experiences (like spinning or deep pressure).
  • Many people with autism have difficulty understanding and using spoken language—some may never learn to speak at all.
  • People with ASD often have difficulty understanding what other people are feeling. They may also have trouble reading other people’s emotions.
  • People with autism may read and hear the same thing over and over without getting any new knowledge from it. Oftentimes, they also may not understand jokes or sarcasm.
  • Some people with autism may also engage in repetitive behaviors, like hand-flapping or spinning. These behaviors can provide a sense of comfort or calmness in overwhelming or stressful situations.
  • Oftentimes, people with autism have trouble transitioning tasks quickly, and  can get upset when people mess with their routine.
  • Some people with autism may be sensitive to certain textures, tastes, smells, or sounds.
  • Autism spectrum disorder is four times more common in boys than in girls.
  • There is no cure for autism, but there are treatments, such as ABA therapy, that can help a person with autism function and live a happy and fulfilling life.
  • Early intervention is key—the sooner a child with autism begins treatment, the better.
  • There is hope—many people with autism lead happy and successful lives, thanks to ABA therapy, parent support groups, friends, and other autism-related professionals.
  • You can better understand ASD by learning more about the disorder from people who have it!

Autism Spectrum Disorder is an important topic that you should be knowledgeable about. As we learn more about the autistic population, we can find ways to help them work more effectively within society. This blog post has outlined some of the most interesting and important facts about autistic spectrum disorder. We encourage you to visit Rise Up 4 Autism online or contact us at (630) 300-3400 today if you want to learn more. Our team wants to help children with autism and their families thrive and succeed. Looking for Autism Therapy Near Me? Look no further than us!

What Are Some Fascinating Autism Facts?

ASD affects approximately one in every 44 children in the United States, and more children than ever before are being diagnosed. Boys are four times more likely than girls to be affected by ASD. Approximately 40% of autistic children do not speak. Children of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds are affected by autism.

What Is The Most Important Thing To Know About Autism?

A person with ASD may need help developing empathy because they may not be able to interpret what other people are feeling based on their body language.

Who Is Predisposed To Autism?

Children born to older parents are more likely to have autism. Parents who have an autistic child already have a up to an 18% chance of having another autistic child. According to studies, if one of two identical twins has autism, the other will be affected 3%6-95% of the time.

What Does It Feel Like To Be Autistic?

A person with ASD is likely to exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Has difficulty communicating and interacting with others.
  • Has difficulty understanding what others are thinking or feeling.
  • Uncomfortable, overwhelmed, or stressed by bright lights or loud noises.
  • Experience anxiety or become upset in unfamiliar or social situations.

Are Autistic People Smarter?

Half of autistic children gain intelligence between the ages of 2 and 8. Intellectual disability gives way to average intelligence in some of these children. The findings suggest that the intelligence quotient (IQ) of young children with autism is not stable.

Is Autism Considered A Disability?

Autism is a neurological developmental disability that affects one to two percent of the American and global populations. Because of the diversity of the disability, each person’s experience with autism and needs for support and services can vary greatly.

What Is The Impact Of Autism On The Brain?

A new brain-tissue study suggests that children with autism have an excess of synapses, or connections between brain cells. According to the researchers, the excess is due to a slowdown in the normal pruning process that occurs during brain development.

What Is The Cause Of Autism?

Some genetic mutations appear to be inherited, whereas others appear to occur spontaneously. Environmental aspects Researchers are currently investigating whether viral infections, medications or complications during pregnancy, or air pollutants can cause autism spectrum disorder.

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