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Engage Your Autistic Child In The Kitchen By Teaching Cooking Skills


Teaching Cooking Skills For Your Autistic Child

Do you want to help your son or daughter learn how to cook, but you don’t know where to start? You’ve heard that autistic children often crave stability and can be picky eaters. But don’t worry – we at Rise Up For Autism have an effective way to help you get started. One of our goals is to help parents with their child’s social skills activities, and helping in the kitchen is a great place to start. Contact us at (630) 300-3400 or visit our locations and learn more about our services!

What Are The Benefits Of Teaching Cooking Skills?

Cooking with your kids is an excellent way for them to get involved in the kitchen. Kids can help you choose ingredients that they like or do not like. Cooking together can also be a fun way to bond with your child. Cooking can be low pressure, and allows your child to guide and choose different recipes.

Keep in mind that every child is different regarding the level of support needed in the kitchen. You know your child best, so you should choose activities that are safe for them to take part in.


How To Prepare Cooking Social Skills For Autism

Cooking is a great skill to teach any child, especially children with autism. You can make it fun and easy for them to understand. Here are some tips on how to prepare your child with autism for cooking:

  1. Teaching cooking skills by making simple recipes: Don’t start with a dish that is too complicated or has ingredients your child might not like. Instead, start with something simple like scrambled eggs or macaroni and cheese.
  2. Ensure you have all the ingredients you need for the recipe before you start cooking. It will help avoid any surprises while you’re cooking.
  3. Give your child something to do with the time you are waiting for your meal to be complete if there is any downtime in the recipe. Your child may enjoy coloring or playing with toys or books to help keep them occupied and not bored during the process.
  4. Once you have prepared all the ingredients, let your child choose which one they want to start with. It will help them learn responsibility.
  5. When cooking, always encourage your child’s participation. Ask questions like “What do you think we should do next?” It will help keep them engaged in the cooking process, and they will be less likely to get bored or distracted.
  6. When cooking, try to make it look appetizing. It will make your child more likely to want to eat it.
  7. Be sure to praise your child for their efforts in cooking the meal! It will help them feel confident and keep practicing their skills.

With these tips, you’ll be able to teach your autistic child how to cook in a fun and easy way for them to understand. Remember to be patient, keep things simple, and praise their efforts along the way!


Finding An Easy Recipe For Teaching Cooking Skills

Cooking with your child is a great way to create a positive and fun experience for you and your child. You can teach them to follow directions and make a meal, while bonding with them over the process of making something new together.

Here are some recipes that may be a good first step in cooking with your child in the kitchen:

Easy Fruit Salad

This recipe is easy enough that even young children can make it. It will also teach them how to eat well and follow directions. This recipe consists of oranges, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, watermelon, and kiwi slices. It’s best served chilled, so you can prepare it ahead of time if needed!

Chicken Nuggets

Cooking chicken nuggets is simple and easy for kids to follow while making something they like to eat. Typically, chicken nuggets don’t require many steps, so this is a good option if you are in a time crunch, too.


Pancakes are probably one of the most popular breakfast foods among all ages! They are soft and fluffy and can be made in various flavors. This is a great recipe to teach kids because it only needs a few ingredients and they can help you measure them. You can even let them pick the topping for their pancakes once they’re done!

Spaghetti With Meatballs

This classic dish is a favorite for kids and adults alike! Spaghetti and meatballs may also be a good option for picky eaters. They can choose how much they want on their plate, and can be a good recipe for teaching kids about portion sizes and how to control their food intake.

Macaroni And Cheese

Macaroni and cheese is another classic dish that kids of all ages (and some adults!) love! It’s creamy, cheesy, and so delicious! This recipe is great for kids because it is easy to make and only requires a few ingredients. Kids can help measure the ingredients and add their toppings, like bacon bits or diced tomatoes.

These are just a few ideas that are great starting points for you and your child in the kitchen. The key is finding simple recipes for your kids to follow while offering them extraordinary learning skills. With patience and practice, your child will be an expert cook in no time!

Everyone should know how to cook, as it is an essential skill. Recipes are easy to follow and less scary than creating a dish on your own. Start by having your child with autism help you make simple meals. They may need some help, but it is important they learn this skill. Your child can learn about food and how to eat well if you teach them to cook. At Rise Up For Autism, we teach many of these basic learning skills through our ABA therapy programs. Contact us at (630) 300-3400 and know the areas we serve.

Rise Up 4 Autism Offered Services:

How Do You Engage An Autistic Child?

Suggestions for involving autistic children in active play make the “unknown” seem more familiar. Include “favorites” in any activity. Celebrate small victories and then build on them. Consult with your local community center and collaborate with the instructors. If something doesn’t work out the first time, try again.

How Does Cooking Help People With Autism?

Cooking with autistic children aims to help them better understand nutrition while developing various skills such as reading, listening, sequencing, math, and social skills. There are thousands of recipes available online for you and your child to try.

What Effect Does Autism Have On Cooking?

Because of sensory stimuli, extreme sensitivity to change, and a strong preference for a limited selection of ingredients, many adults on the spectrum struggle with food and cooking. According to research, people with autism prefer processed foods and carbohydrates.

What Can I Do At Home To Train My Autistic Child?

Furthermore, the following suggestions will make daily home life easier for you and your autistic child: maintain consistency and maintain a schedule, recognize and reward good behavior, make a safe zone in your home, search for nonverbal cues, and make time for enjoyment or play.

What Abilities Are Essential For Caretakers Or Therapists Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Children with ASD often require assistance to communicate with their peers and interact during play. Learning and teaching these skills are vital to the success of ABA therapy.

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